This year Ash Wednesday was the same day as St Valentine’s Day, and Passion Sunday was the same day as St Patrick’s Day. Some may see this as a coincidence, but I think it is more than that.
For the feast days of two of the most recognized saints in secular society to be on the same days as these notable dates during Lent 2024, is a message of hope. It serves as a message of love and encouragement for those on this journey that you are on the right path. For those not on the journey, it is a reminder that we are not of this world. It is a wake up call that you need to be on the path of salvation, and that the goal in this life is not the achievements of this world but that after death, the salvation of souls, your soul.
If you’re contemplating on embarking on this journey, welcome! What are you waiting for?
For those who are on this journey, I am thankful that we are on this journey together. And while each journey is our own and no one can take that journey for us, it is good to know that we’re not alone. We’re all here for each other, as Christians, and most important of all, God is with us. There are some days that are more difficult than others (tell me about), but keep going. I pray that this message finds you well and offer you a little bit something that’s uplifting so that you may continue on your journey. But don’t take my word for it, let St Paul encourage you.
Keep going.